NeuReality deployed Arteris FlexNoC interconnect IP in its NR1 server-on-a-chip

Date: 21/10/2023
Arteris announced that NeuReality has deployed Arteris FlexNoC interconnect IP in its NR1 network addressable inference server-on-a-chip. NeuReality provides holistic hardware and software platform to develop, deploy and manage AI systems.

NeuReality's hardware solution includes an innovative NR1 server-on-a-chip, which is a first Network Addressable Processing Unit (NAPU). NR1 is a workflow-optimized hardware device with specialized processing units, native network and virtualization capabilities, where it provides native AI-over-fabric networking, including full AI pipeline offload and hardware-based AI hypervisor capabilities. These chips can offload the work from CPUs, GPUs and even deep learning accelerators. NeuReality claims its inference server to effectively deliver up to 10 times the performance with less power consumption and at a fraction of the cost in its inference server.

In another separate announcement, Arteris said it is partnering with Fraunhofer IESE, a leading research institute to enable interoperability between Arteris' FlexNoC and Ncore network-on-chip (NoC) development environment and Fraunhofer IESE's DRAM subsystem design space exploration framework.

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