Electronics Engineering Herald is an online magazine published by
EMITT Solutions for electronic engineers with focus on hardware design, embedded, VLSI, and design tools. EE Herald publishes design ideas, technology trends, course materials, electronic industry related news and new products.
News -
News stories are published with independent analysis.
New products -
Semiconductor devices, passive components, T&M, EDA tools and any such EE related new products are announced on daily basis.
Design-guide -
Circuit ideas, reference-designs, technology trends, design hints, and component selection ideas will appear in this section.
Online course -
We have published a full online course on ARM based Embedded systems. It's very popular among learning engineers.
Student Section -
Here the content is customized for engineering students.
India specific -
News and trends specific to India's electronic industry market.
EE Herald looking for partner/sponsorer to renew itself for the next wave of growth in electronics. To know more please email to nsr(at the rate of)emittsolutions.com